
Advancing ICT Education and Research: National Research School in ICT Inaugurated Today

The Kosovo’s National Research School in ICT was inaugurated today in the premises of the University of Prishtina. We were honored to have many distinguished guests, including: the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Mr. Albin Kurti, representatives of the government and diplomatic missions in the country, rectors of partner universities, professors and students. …


Handover of National Research School in ICT to University of Prishtina

Yesterday, we celebrated a significant milestone as we officially handed over the National Research School in ICT to the University of Prishtina. In the presence of distinguished guests, including Prof. Sefer Avdiaj (Vice Rector for Research, Projects, Innovation, and Information at the University of Prishtina) and Prof. Ann-Charlotte Larsson (Vice Rector for Internationalization and Innovation …


Simpoziumi i Diasporës në Kompjuterikë – Inteligjenca Artificiale Kosova

Shkolla Kombëtare e Doktoratës në Teknologji të Informacionit dhe Komunikimit në Kosovë po organizon Simpoziumin e Diasporës në Kompjuterikë, me temën “Inteligjenca Artificiale Kosova”.  Pjesëmarrës në këtë simpozium do të jenë personalitete të rëndësishme nga universiteti dhe industria, vendor dhe nga diaspora, të cilët do të prezantojnë zbulimet më të reja nga fusha e inteligjencës …


NRSI Hosts Webinar on “6GESS – 6G Enabling Sustainable Society”

The National Research School in ICT, organized a thought-provoking webinar titled “6GESS – 6G Enabling Sustainable Society.” The webinar showcased the expertise of esteemed speaker Dr. Minna Isomursu, Professor of Digital Health at the University of Oulu. During the engaging webinar, Dr. Isomursu emphasized the crucial role of health in constructing a sustainable society. Her …


NRSI Explores the Past, Present, and Future of Digital Platforms in Informative Webinar

The National Research School in ICT hosted the next thought-provoking webinar titled “Why Are Digital Platforms All the Rage: The Past, Present, and Future of Digital Platforms”. The webinar featured esteemed speaker Dr. Carsten Sørensen, Reader (Associate Professor) in Digital Innovation within Department of Management at The London School of Economics and Political Science who …


NRSI explores Responsible Artificial Intelligence in the recent webinar

Yesterday, on 20th of April, the National Research School in ICT hosted its second webinar. The webinar “Responsible Artificial Intelligence: An inclusive road ahead.”, was presented by professor Virginia Dignum from Umeå University, who is an expert in social and ethical AI and the Wallenberg Chair on Responsible Artificial Intelligence. During the webinar, Professor Dignum …